A preferential payment schedule is set up for the Vivus Žižkov project, whereby you pay only 10 % of the purchase price after signing the Agreement on the Future Purchase Contract, and do not pay the remaining 90 % of the purchase price, including VAT, until after the final approval of the apartment building. 

 Payment  % of Payment Due date


1. 10 % of purchase price 15 days After signing of the Agreement on Future Purchase Contract
2. 90 % of purchase price 15 days On the basis of a call for payment issued by the seller after the issue of occupation approval.

Other information:
In the event of a client change (e.g. a change to fixtures or surfaces), any additional costs increased by the statutory VAT rate are charged as an extraordinary instalment based on a payment order after the amount of those costs has been mutually approved, and are payable within 15 days. The price of the client change will be reflected in the total purchase price in the purchase contract.
The sale of an apartment unit is subject to a reduced VAT rate, i.e. 12%. The sale of a non-residential unit or the sale of a chare in a non-residential unit - garage - is subject to the basic VAT rate, i.e. 21%. In the event that a single purchase contract includes the sale of an apartment unit and the sale of a share in a non-residential unit - garage, the VAT rate is governed by the main item, i.e. the property transferred will be subject to the reduced VAT rate, i.e. 12%.
Tax documents for individual payments are issued within the statutory period, i.e. no later than 15 days after the individual instalments on the purchase price were credited to the Seller's relevant account.