Vivus Kolbenova II welcomes new residents

In accordance with the plan the houses in the Vivus Kolbenova II project are inhabited by the first owners. more...

Building "D" has been carried out the final inspection

We would like to inform you that a building permit has been issued for the apartment building - building D - and that the residential units and the non-residential unit - garage are already registered in the real estate register. Defects and unfinished works are currently being rectified. Subsequently the object will be taken over from the contractor. This phase should be completed at the beginning of 2024. In view of the change in the amount of the reduced VAT rate with effect from January 1st 2024, clients will be encouraged to pay the additional purchase price, or to prepare mortgage contracts by the mortgage banks at the beginning of 2024.

Photo of the Construction

December 2023. more...

Photo of the Construction

October 2023. more...

Photo of the Construction

September 2023. more...

Sample flat of Vivus Kolbenova II


Sale of the flats of the object D1 was launched.


Photo of the Construction

July 2023. more...

Photo of the Construction

May 2023. more...

The construction of Vivus Kolbenova II is nearing completion


At Vivus Kolbenova II it has worked on both at exterior and the interiors.


We have started selling flats at Vivus Kolbenova II.

We will start selling new phase of the project soon.