VIVUS Contact

Contact details for Pankrác, a.s.

Pankrác, a.s.  

Budějovická 5  
140 00 Prague 4
Czech Republic

Company Reg. No.: 601 93 077

Company listed in the trade register at the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, file No. 2302.

The information and sales centre is open from Monday to Friday, 9:00–17:00. Personal meetings can be arranged individually by phone, at any time.

Toll-free telephone contact: 800 186 186

Tel.: +420 261 122 104


We can discuss the new housing with you both during a personal meeting or online via the Internet.

In the case of an early phase of the project a personal meeting can take place in our showroom on the ground floor of the company headquarters. Here you can see not only the model of the house, but also the selected standards from which the specific project is build.

If you prefer to meet online, our sales representative will contact you via a phone call and the Teams - Online application. Through the application we will share essential information about the selected project with you.

So it is up to you which form of meeting is suitable for you.


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Information in Context of Section 14 of Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as Amended

Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes between an entrepreneur, as the seller of units resulting from the construction of housing projects, and their purchasers who meet the legal definition of a consumer under Section 419 of the Civil Code is in the context of Section 20e of Act No. 643/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, handled by:

Czech Trade Inspection Authority,
Department for Out-of-Court Consumer Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Štěpánská 44
110 00 Prague 1
DC: x7cab34